Kihon & Kata

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1. Complete the following list:
Heisuku-dachi, , , Shizentai.

2. The following sequences of techniques are from different Kihon and Kata.
Can you identify where they are from?

  • mikizuki geri uke, mae empi uchi -

  • ura tettsui, gedan barai, gyaku zuki -

  • hidari neko-ashi dachi, hidari sukui uke, migi shuto uchi -

  • yoko empi uchi, uraken uchi -

  • nidan geri, gedan juji uke -

3. Which technique should NOT be in this list of techniques?

Uraken uchi, Shuto uchi, Haishu uchi, Teisho uchi

4. Which stance does NOT belong in this list?
Kosa dachi, Shiko dachi, Neko Ashi dachi, Seisan dachi

5. There are 11 bunkai in the basic Niseishi Bunkai Set.
How many of these contain kakiwake-uke?